Shoes of Adam and Eve


Unfinished Fruit’s Eucharistic
Yet some sounds heard in frantic
“What’s that, Adam?” Eve is frightened out
Undressed Adam won’t to come out

“I do not know, Eve. Better us off in silent.”

In front of the heaven’s door,
two pairs of shoes dropped by
Adam and Eve closing up more
Then Snake quietly says,

“The time, Time of gets them in absent!”

GOD have told nouns
to Adam, but these things
for him are still unknown

“They are shoes, a protection for thy feet.
In order the two of thee will be far in fleet.”

So in hurry, Adam practices to use the shoes.
In other hand, Eve learn that left and right
are union in two different positions.

After they’ve gathered in the earth,
Adam asks Eve to have their shoes in cleanse

“Art thee sure we’ll walk back home?”

Without answering Eve,
Adam begins to make his shoes polished.


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