Seri Puisi : Kau Kuasai Kanvasku


Meski titik, dia zikir pasir. Sebuah momentum terbentuknya embun.
Dia sikap tawadu' sebutir debu. Seperti akhir tanpa garis atau lengkung.

Dia juga awal sesuatu yang liris atau perpanjangan senandung.
Dia tidak di atas meski menolak di bawah. Di pusar atau di dahi, dia tetap berarti.

Dia membentukmu, Sayang. Dia juga mengutukmu.
Seperti cinta tanpa kecuali. Seperti rindu tak terperi.

Jika kau menuntunnya, Kasih, dia membimbingmu
mengenali alam terjauh, seperti kapal hilang sauh.

Meski titik, dia kerlip bintang. Sebuah gumam berirama di angkasa raya.
Dia sepicing mata bagi dunia. Sebuah mula tanpa pewahyuan dari surga.



Even a dot, she is sand's prayer. A momentum of developing dew.
She is humbleness of a dust. Like the end without any line nor curve

She is also the beginning something lyrical or renewal humming.
She is not at the top despite refusing get bellow. In the navel or on the forehead, she has meaning.

She is shaped you, Darling, but cursing you too.
Like a love without exception. Like a longing indescribable.

If you lead her, Love, she will guide you recognize
the furthest wilderness, like a ship without anchor.

Even a dot, she is twinkle. A rhythmic murmur in space.
She is narrowed eye for the world. A first without revelation from heaven.



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